Thursday, June 13, 2013

This is the End Review

Written by:  Jon Guzik

So if you put the likes of Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, James Franco, Jay Baruchel, Danny Mcbride, and Craig Robertson in the same movie, playing themselves--is it funny?  Let me put it this way, I had a big smile on my face from the opening scene through the credits, with big laughs sprinkled throughout.  “This is the End” is one of the more enjoyable comedies to come out in some time.  The concept is borderline genius, having a host of comedic and other celebs at James Franco’s house for a party, when all the sudden, the apocalypse comes out of nowhere and spoils the party.

What’s so great about this movie is that it has a great self-awareness about itself.  After the apocalypse claims the lives of mostly everyone except the core group (most of the deaths being funny themselves), it’s up to them to figure out what’s going on,  and to just survive in James Franco’s boarded up house.  While they are doing this, they have plenty of time conversing about spliting up the food, including the delicious Milky Way that everyone wants, to the movies they’ve all been in, including which ones of those deserve sequels (Pineapple Express 2 anyone?).  Every person is just absolutely funny here, with some of the standouts being Danny Mcbride channeling his best Kenny Powers into his own persona--but even worse.  One of the funniest scenes in the entire movie is an exchange between him and James Franco after Danny “borrowed” a porno mag from him. Seth Rogan is basically playing the same guy he has in all his other movies here (which they all make fun of him for by the way) and he’s just as funny as ever. Even Michael Cera playing a coked out, Rihanna-ass-slapping party goer, is another standout.

I don’t think this movie would have been as funny with the same actors, but not playing themselves.  Being able to reference movies they’ve all been in, including some re-enactments and reunions between most of the cast (the Superbad gang is all together in one scene too!).  I won’t spoil too many of the more funny cameos you might see, because that’s part of the joy of watching this, just seeing who’s going to pop up next.

Seth Rogan and his buddy in crime Evan Goldberg, who are responsible for such films as Superbad and Pineapple Express, have really hit this one out of the park with their first directing gig.  If you have seen any of the films in the past 10 years with any of these actors, then you will absolutely laugh your ass off throughout.  Hell, even if you haven’t, you still should laugh just at the back-and-forths some of these guys have.  “This is the End” is the funniest movie of the year, and in the running for funniest in the past several years.  So do yourself a favor and go watch it, before Michael Cera blows coke in your face.
Grade: A

P.S.--Let's hope this is the last apocalyptic movie with anatomically correct demons.  Just saying.

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